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Things To Do Before You Get High

If you’re about to try a high-THC medical treatment for the first time, take a few minutes to prepare for the experience.

Things To Do Before You Get High

Our suggestions:

Give Yourself Time

Edibles and tinctures generally take around an hour to take effect and last 3-4 hours. The effects of vaping and smoking hit right away and generally wear of in a few hours. But some patients will feel impaired for much longer. If you’re new to cannabis, start slow and make sure you don’t have anywhere to be.

Stock The Fridge

Munchies are a stoner stereotype, but some strains really do stimulate appetite. Load up with healthy options in advance so you aren’t tempted by junk food.

Have Entertainment Available

Keep the remote nearby to watch something light and funny. Or if you like to read, find your favorite book or magazine. Have a soothing playlist lined up if you think you’ll want to doze off.

Invite A Friend Over

Whether they get high with you or not, your friend may give you the confidence and moral support you need to enjoy your experience. Make sure they are supportive of your decision to medicate and invite them to read this guide on what to do if you get too high.

Make Yourself Comfortable

Throw on some cozy clothes, put your feet up, and relax. Make sure you’re not too hot or cold, and crack the window if you like some fresh air.

Have A High-CBD Strain Handy

CBD has been shown to counteract negative psychoactive effects brought on by THC. Keep a high-CBD product nearby to use if you’re feeling too anxious. Check out our favorite high-CBD strains here.

What do you do to prepare for your high? Comment below.

Alyssa Gocinski
Alyssa majors in Journalism at Emerson College. While abroad in the Netherlands, she became interested in drug policy when interviewing locals about the cannabis industry. Alyssa researches widespread material and breaks it down into enjoyable and easy-to-read pieces.


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