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Greg Norman CBD: PGA Golf Legend ‘The Shark' Enters the CBD Wellness Market

Greg 'Great White Shark' Norman, former number #1 PGA golfer, is launching his own personally-branded Greg Norman CBD line of 9 different hemp wellness products in 2020.

Greg Norman CBD Brand Debuts 9 CBD-Infused Wellness Products from Ex-PGA Golf Champion

CBD became the most popular herbal ingredient in 2019, and while the supporting science and legalization of the cannabis plant are still underway, a big push in the wave of the green rush came from a variety of ‘influencers'; from professional athletes to celebrities to people with large social media following, there is now a new cannabidiol-infused product line out from professional golfing legend, internationally-recognized as the ‘Great White Shark'.

The Greg Norman CBD launch first made headlines in February 2019 when the announcement came that the successful athlete-turned-businessman would be partnering up with Green Growth Brands and Authentic Brands Group to debut his new CBD products made from ingredients from his native home of Australia. Recently Greg shared his first impression thoughts on the legalization of CBD:

“When CBD came out, it was a logical extension for me to take a look at.” […] For me, it wasn’t just for the athlete. It was all about quality of life and the quality of your health.” […] “You have to study it and understand it…As this industry grows in an exponential growth curve globally, and as each state in the U.S. gets more and more opened up to CBD, the opportunity is huge.”

Green Growth Brands (who's tagline is to create ‘remarkable experiences in cannabis and CBD') CEO Peter Horvath called Greg Norman the ‘perfect athlete' to partner up with because he has a ‘clear vision' of what the future looks like for CBD and sports performance and recovery. He added,

“As part of our stated strategy, we will continue to offer the largest assortment of high-quality CBD-infused personal care products in the industry”

The hemp-derived Greg Norman CBD-infused product line, who's slogan is to “Play-Through Life, Everyday”, is designed for active men and women as well as athletes and will include the following options:

  • 250mg CBD Warm-Up Muscle Rub
  • 500mg CBD Cool-Down Muscle Gel
  • 250mg CBD Revitalizing Muscle Soak
  • Facial skin care products including Shave Cream (100 mg CBD), Aftershave (200 mg CBD) and Facial Cleanser (75 mg CBD)
  • Body skin care products including CBD revive body spray (100 mg CBD), CBD Hydrate body lotion (150 mg CBD) and Shampoo (100 mg CBD)

Greg Norman's CBD-branded products are 100% hemp-derived (lower than the 0.3% THC limit), cruelty-free, paraben-free and made in the USA while also containing speciality natural Australian ingredients such as;

  • Australian Sea Salt for total body relaxation
  • Tasmanian blue gum for soothing relief
  • Kunzea oil for sore muscle relief

All of the Greg Norman CBD performance, face and body care supplements will use hemp ingredients sourced from British Colombia, Canada-located Tilray Inc., who is a prominent company and distributor within the cannabis cultivation industry. The CBD oil-infused products by Greg Norman also list their certificate of analysis (COA) directly on the company's retail website for all users to see, verify and trust the brand's authenticity.

The CEO of Green Growth Brands commented about on relationship established with Greg Norman and his new CBD-infused active wellness and recovery products rollout targeting the baby-boomer generation by adding:

“With Greg Norman, it gives us a chance to reach an adjacent part of the market that isn’t the same. As retailers, we’ve been doing this for decades, what we know is to get started and the real skill is based on making adjustments based on customer response to your efforts.” […] There's a huge opportunity for somebody like us to bring a better [beauty] productS to the market at a lower price than what people are seeing today.”

The Australian World Golf Hall-of-Fame player, who was a former longtime Number 1 Official World Golf Rankings for over 300 weeks and won nearly 90 professional tournaments including two major championships (British Open twice), said this about his second-act success:

“I played professional golf for 40 years, hitting more than five million golf balls that have caused significant wear and tear on my body” […] I continue to lead an extremely active lifestyle. Hitting millions of golf balls in a lifetime can – and will – cause strain and injury on anyone’s body, despite their age or physical wellbeing”

Greg Norman also shared praise for Green Growth Brand's subsidiary, GGB Beauty (who also runs Seventh Sense Botanical Therapy, CAMP, Green Lily, The+Source and 8 Fold brands), stating:

“Having been through it all, on the golf course and in business, I am thrilled to partner with GGB Beauty to distribute Greg Norman CBD products throughout the country. GGB Beauty was an obvious choice as a partner, as the organization is laser-focused on providing high-quality products and the consummate retail experience for their customers across the United States.”

As the trend for CBD and pain continues to swing upward, Greg ‘The Shark' Norman, who is 64 years young, is clearly a firm believer in the medicinal power and healing effects of CBD oil-infused products. He was on record in a recent interview saying he uses cannabidiol on an as-needed basis, especially after his long hikes around his Colorado ranch.

From the outside looking in, while not to be naive, this Greg Norman CBD product launch with industry leaders is clearly not about the ‘money' only as his calculated net worth is allegedly near $400 million. He was the first professional golfer to surpass $10 million in career earnings and is now heavily invested into real estate properties, helps develop golf course designs and markets his own line of other products using his Shark brand that include eyewear sun glasses, Wagyu beef jerky, wine, restaurants and clothing apparel.

In a recent exchange with golf at a glance publication, in regards to his growing brand portfolio and ‘healthy ego' – he said:

“What I do have is belief in myself, my brand and its reach, and the people who work for me” […] I think I’m just very much aware of my positioning.” […] The health and wellness space to me is extremely important and really intrigues me. Really, why not improve the quality of your life.”

Whether or not anyone thinks the CBD demand can continue growing higher, time will tell. The full rollout for Greg Norman's CBD products is planned for early in 2020 as he will join a handful of active PGA Tour golfers who have already signed endorsement deals with various CBD companies like Bubba Watson, Lucas Glover and Charley Hoffman.

While active PGA golfers Robert Garrigus and Matt Every recently both got three-month suspensions for using CBD (and THC) products for pain relief, it did violate the PGA Tour circuit's drug policy of abuse despite both players disagreeing with the association's take on medical cannabis use. Many wonder if the Great White Shark will step up to the tee and help the PGA understand, accept and allow golfers to use topical CBD pain rub creams for optimal recovery and performance in the future?

In closing, the active social media user, who has publicly shared, “being a living brand, and I mean this in all sincerity, is not easy,” posted his early-morning workout on Twitter and plugged his Greg Norman CBD-infused muscle gel as part of his recovery process.

There is no doubt the legendary golf player enjoys using cannabidiol and the concept of living a healthy lifestyle. He added one last comment about his new cannabis oil launch:

Wellness is a pillar in my life and I believe that the health benefits of these products, cultivated from top-quality ingredients found in my birthplace of Australia, will benefit those who spend time on the golf course and anyone committed to prioritizing self-care.

It will be exciting to see the full rollout of the Greg Norman CBD product line in 2020, most of which are already available on the and botanical therapy website for those interested in taking a further look. Once online users or any our team members share feedback about the former professional PGA golfing legend's CBD-infused products, they may make the best cbd oils and skincare rankings list. We will update the ongoing Greg Norman CBD storyline with more announcements once available as the ‘athletes using CBD' trend continues to pick up momentum in the new decade.

Greg Norman CBD Photo Courtesy of


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